We craft a unique approach to every project we work on and tailor our support to each client we partner with. The launch of each project includes a process of relationship building and expectation setting that enables strong collaboration and high satisfaction with deliverables and results.

We craft a unique approach to every project we work on and tailor our support to each client we partner with. The launch of each project includes a process of relationship building and expectation setting that enables strong collaboration and high satisfaction with deliverables and results.
We craft a unique approach to every project we work on and tailor our support to each client we partner with. The launch of each project includes a process of relationship building and expectation setting that enables strong collaboration and high satisfaction with deliverables and results.

Greenpeace Canada Education Fund
Strategic Plan
Led GCEF's inaugural strategic planning process at a critical course-setting moment.

Future Arts Network
Strategic Plan
Co-designed a strategic planning process framed in critical feminist, decolonization and anti-oppression theories with Future Arts Network.

Hollyburn Community Service Society
Gender-Based Violence Community Research
Co-created a community-engaged research project on the impacts of the pandemic on BIPOC women+ seeking support for gender-based violence on Vancouver’s North Shore.

Brookfield Institute for Innovation + Entrepreneurship
Employment 2030: Regional Workshop Series
Provided regional design and delivery of a workshop series to explore the topic of supporting immigrants, refugees and newcomers to access relevant and meaningful opportunities to leverage and future-proof their skills?

BC Addiction Recovery Association
Strategic Planning
Developed a strategic plan to help steward BCARA into its next phase of growth and development.

RADIUS SFU, Public Health Agency of Canada
Designed & Facilitated accelerator program
Designed and facilitated a 6-month accelerator program and an 8-week launch-pad program for Health-promoting entrepreneurs. Designed and delivered content, provided mentorship to ventures, and facilitated celebration events.

Digital Health Canada
Strategic Plan
Collaboratively designed and delivered a strategic planning process at a key point of organizational growth.

Community Arts Council of Vancouver
Strategic Plan
Lead a strategic planning process that engaged board and staff in the creation of a new plan for a new era of CACV.

BC Public Service Innovation Hub
Evaluation Plan Design
Designed and conducted a developmental evaluation, and produced reports to capture and improve the impact that Innovation Hub programming was able to have on driving innovation in the BC Public Service.

Pender Island Health Care Society
Strategic Planning
Developed a 5-year strategic plan and accompanying operational actions through community consultations, board strategy sessions, and comprehensive review of opportunities and barriers.